[C18] Magmaw: Modality-Agnostic Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning-Based Wireless Communication Systems
NDSS 2025, Mar 2025.
[C17] RFCanvas: Modeling RF Channel by Fusing Visual Priors and Few-shot RF Measurements
ACM SenSys 2024, Nov 2025.
[C16] Multimodal Daily-life Logging in Free-living Environments Using Non-Visual Egocentric Sensors on a Smartphone
ACM IMWUT (UbiComp) 2024, Mar 2024.
[C15] StealthyIMU: Extracting Permission-protected Private Information from Smartphone Voice Assistant using Zero-Permission Sensors
NDSS 2023, Feb 2023.
[C14] VECTOR: Velocity Based Temperature-field Monitoring with Distributed Acoustic Devices
ACM IMWUT (UbiComp) 2022, Sep 2022.
[C13] LoEar: Push the Range Limit of Acoustic Sensing for Vital Sign Monitoring
ACM IMWUT (UbiComp) 2022, Sep 2022.
[C12] UltraSE: Single-Channel Speech Enhancement Using Ultrasound
ACM MobiCom 2021, Oct 2021.
[C11] ExGSense: Toward Facial Gesture Sensing and Reconstruction with a Sparse Near-Eye Sensor Array
ACM/IEEE IPSN 2021, May 2021.
[C10] "Alexa, Stop Spying on Me": Speech Privacy Protection Against Voice Assistants
ACM SenSys 2020, Nov 2020.
[C9] milliEgo: Single-chip mmWave Radar Aided Egomotion Estimation via Deep Sensor Fusion
ACM SenSys 2020, Nov 2020.
[C8] Dynamic Speed Warping: Similarity-Based One-shot Learning for Device-free Gesture Signals
IEEE INFOCOM 2020, April 2020.
[C7] SpiderMon: Towards Using Cell Towers as Illuminating Sources for Keystroke Monitoring
IEEE INFOCOM 2020, April 2020.
[C6] VSkin: Sensing Touch Gestures on Surfaces of Mobile Devices Using Acoustic Signals
ACM MobiCom 2018, October 2018.
[C5] Unlock With Your Heart: Heartbeat-based Authentication on Commercial Mobile Phones
ACM IMWUT (UbiComp) 2018, October 2018.
[C4] Depth Aware Finger Tapping on Virtual Displays
ACM MobiSys 2018, June 2018.
[C3] WiTrace: Centimeter-Level Passive Gesture Tracking Using WiFi Signals
IEEE SECON 2018, June 2018.
Charging Task Scheduling for Directional Wireless Charger Networks
ACM ICPP 2018, August 2018.
[C1] Device-free Gesture Tracking using Acoustic Signals
ACM MobiCom 2016, October 2016.
[J5] Towards Smartphone-based 3D Hand Pose Reconstruction Using Acoustic Signals
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2024.
[J4] SCALAR: Self-Calibrated Acoustic Ranging for Distributed Mobile Devices
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.
[J3] DSW: One-shot Learning Scheme for Device-free Acoustic Gesture Signals
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022.
[J2] Charging Task Scheduling for Directional Wireless Charger Networks
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2020.
[J1] WiTrace: Centimeter-Level Passive Gesture Tracking Using OFDM Signals
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019.
[D2] Poster Abstract: CapTag: Toward Printable Ubiquitous Internet of Things
ACM SenSys 2020, Nov 2020. Best Poster Award Runner-up
[D1] Demo: Device-free Gesture Tracking using Acoustic Signals
ACM MobiCom 2016, October 2016.